
Learn German in bite-sized news articles

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Short German texts at your level

Lingoberry is your daily dose of German news. Every day, you get new articles to read, listen to, and learn from. The texts are short and easy to understand, and they are written by native speakers. You can also choose the difficulty level that suits you best.

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German with training wheels

Every word in Lingoberry is clickable, and you can see the translation and pronunciation. You can also listen to the text being read out loud. This way, you can learn new words and phrases in context.

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Vibrant illustrations

Every word is illustrated, which makes learning it easier and more fun. It is also translated into a variety of languages, in a way that takes the context into account.

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Quizzes and vocabulary review

After reading the text, you can take a quiz to test your understanding. You can also review the vocabulary you have learned, and see how well you remember it. That way, you can reinforce what you have learned and make it stick.